Who We Are

Geoengineering Monitor aims to be a timely source for information and critical perspectives on climate engineering. Our goal is to serve as a resource for people around the world who are opposing climate geoengineering and fighting to address the root causes of climate change instead.
Our editors regularly post news and resources about proposed geoengineering technologies, and their anticipated effects. When dangerous real-world implementations of geoengineering move forward, we will connect our readers to opportunities for collective action.
The site is a collaboration between ETC Group, Biofuelwatch, Heinrich Boell Foundation, and the Global Forest Coalition.

Currently, it is edited by Oliver Munnion (editor[at]geoengineeringmonitor[dot]org).


Got a good story or update about climate geoengineering? Get in touch!

Contact us

Oliver Munnion (editor[at]geoengineeringmonitor[dot]org)

Legal Notice / Impressum

This is an impressum according to German law and in accordance with § 5 TMG, § 55 RstV.

Liability for the contents on this website lies with

ETC Group
2464 rue de l’Église, #304
Val David QC J0T 2N0
Tel: 1-514-516-5759

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V. (Heinrich Böll Foundation)
Schumannstraße 8
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 285 34-0

The following persons are legally responsible for our websites:

Responsible according to § 18 para. 2 MStV, § 5 TMG

Oliver Munnion
+1 514-516-5759