New ETC Group briefing for delegates at SBSTTA 26 In a wave of “blue carbon” hype, oceans and coastal areas are increasingly pitched as tools to fight global warming. Around the globe dozens of new projects are projected to increase the ocean's capacity to absorb CO2...
Artificial Upwelling
Venture capital and carbon credits fuel an explosion of marine geoengineering projects
The Geoengineering Map Updates summarise the latest developments on the Geoengineering Monitor Map highlighting new trends for civil society and climate justice movements to follow in their efforts to oppose geoengineering. By Anja Chalmin Critical Updates on...
Marine Geoengineering: Between profits and climate protection, our oceans are becoming an experimental field
This is an extended article of the already published piece in Rundbreif (in German). Nathan Thanki & Serayna Solanki Contact: In March, the United Nations agreed to a High Seas Treaty aiming to, in the words of Antonio...
Geoengineering Map Update: Carbon markets are a major driver for geoengineering
The Geoengineering Map Update summarises the latest developments on the Geoengineering Monitor Map highlighting new trends for civil society and climate justice movements to follow in their efforts to oppose geoengineering. By Anja Chalmin Critical Updates There is...
Commercialization in geoengineering continues to increase
By Anja Chalmin The Quarterly Review summarises the latest developments on the Geoengineering Monitor Map highlighting emerging trends for civil society and climate justice movements. Key Points - Quarterly Review IV In the last quarter of 2022, the trend continues...
Geoengineering projects in Africa intensify along with oil and gas expansion
Photo Credit: Antoinette PlessisBy Anja Chalmin The African continent - home to about one-fifth of the world's population and a great variety and diversity of other living creatures - has by far the lowest per capita emissions in an intercontinental comparison and is...
Is a new legal pathway to stopping dangerous marine geoengineering projects on the horizon?
Photo Credit: Linus NylundBy Laura DunnFrom the arctic to the Galapagos, communities have been resisting marine geoengineering projects that threaten their coasts and marine ecosystems around the world. A recent announcement from the London Protocol / London...
Marine Geoengineering – Quarterly Review III (part 2)
Photo Credit: Jeremy BishopBy Anja ChalminThe second part of the third quarterly review of 2022 looks at geoengineering developments on water and on land with a focus on marine projects. Many of the approaches to marine geoengineering involve technologies to...
Increased funds for Geoengineering – Quarterly Review III (part 1)
Photo Credit: JP Valery By Anja Chalmin Every day people in the United States, Canada and the UK are paying for some big new geoengineering projects in the form of publicly funded geoengineering projects. This, along with other new funding opportunities for...
Geoengineering Updates: Quarterly Review II 2022
By Anja Chalmin The second quarterly review of current developments in geoengineering provides an insight into new geoengineering companies and projects as well as new funding opportunities for geoengineering. The vast majority of new projects and funders are - as...
UN Oceans Conference Side Event: Marine Geoengineering
A growing threat in the name of climate protection - Side event 29 June 1-2:30 pm Lisbon time Marine geoengineering - advanced by industry and some governments in the name of addressing the climate crisis - is a growing threat to marine environments and ecosystems and...
Geoengineering activities in Latin America
Photo 1: A worker lays white paint on the Peruvian Andes in a bid to get water and vegetation to return to the mountain range, © CNNPhoto 2: ‘BioUrban 2.0’ air purification system in Puebla, Mexico on August 7, © AFPPhoto 3: Carbon Capture, Use and Storage Technology...