Solar Radiation Management

Recent setbacks for geoengineering and the path forward

By Coraina da la Plaza, Hands Off Mother Earth! (HOME) Alliance coordinator, and Oli Munnion, Geoengineering Monitor editor The impacts of climate change are being felt far and wide all around the globe, and Global South countries are being hit the hardest even though...

Experts call on the UN for a Solar Geoengineering Non-Use Agreement

A group of academics from around the world are calling for a non-use agreement on solar geoengineering. Their petition takes the stance that "solar geoengineering deployment at planetary scale cannot be fairly and effectively governed in the current system of...

Widespread opposition to solar geoengineering halts test flight

The HOME campaign welcomes the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)’s decision to stop the solar geoengineering balloon test flight in response to strong opposition from Saami Council, Swedish Civil Society and researchers. These groups have been clear that the test flight...

Climate Engineering Conference 2017: a CSO perspective

By Oli Munnion (Biofuelwatch) The Climate Engineering Conference 2017 aimed to "bring together the research, policy, and civic communities to discuss the highly complex and interlinked ethical, social and technical issues related to climate engineering." In practice,...

Climate Change, Smoke and Mirrors

For the past decade, a small but growing group of governments and scientists, the majority from the most powerful and most climate-polluting countries in the world, has been pushing for political consideration of geoengineering, the deliberate large-scale...

Climate Change Policy and The Super-Hero Syndrome

by Roger Boyd (Resilience) There is a genre of Hollywood “feel-good” disaster movie, where everything seems nearly hopeless until the end, and then suddenly, many times against all hope, the super-hero (or super-heroes) saves the day. Whether it be human heroes that...

The 2-degree goal and the question of geoengineering

Disclaimer: This article is broadly pro-geoengineering, but alarmingly the authors say it would take 160 years of sulphate injections to keep global temperature increases to under 2 degrees! by Atmos News How much geoengineering would be necessary to hit temperature...